Hier eine Einladung an alle zu einer Vortragsreihe in der Internationalen Adventgemeinde Stuttgart / Stuttgart International Church.
- Sprache ist Englisch. D.h. Wer Leute im Bereich Stuttgart kennt, die Englisch sprechen, z.B. Zuwanderer, Afrika, Amerika, Asien,.. kann diese dazu einladen.
- Wollte einfach nur dass möglicherweise die Veranstaltung hier online, z.B. über google-Suche gefunden werden kann
- Facebook-Link:
5.-19.Oktober : freitags, samstags, sonntags, mittwochs : um 19:00 Uhr
Adventgemeinde, Ringstr. 28/1, 70806 Fellbach
Presented to You: Interesting Topics by Pr. Charles Bediako
1. Saturday - 5th: The Supernatural - Fantasy, Superstition or Reality?
2. Sunday - 6th: The Supernatural - Are there trustworthy sources of information?
3. Wednesday - 9th: Health, Healing and the Supernatural - Any Bearing?
4. Friday - 11th: The Supernatural - Could it explain Evil?
5. Saturday - 12th: Supernatural and Security
6. Sunday - 13th: The Supernatural - Any Hierarchy?
7. Wednesday -16 th: The Supernatural - Avoiding Deception
8. Friday - 18th: Supernatural Clubs around You
9. Saturday - 19th: Avoiding Negativity in the Supernatural Debate
+ Saturdays 9:30am
Health & Lifestyle Lectures by Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Müller (Chefarzt: G.R.K. Mühlacker)
1. Life is a Balancing Act
2. A Key to Happiness
3. From Tragedy to Triumph
4. A Time for Healing
5. My Love Journey
6. Lean on Me
7. Exciting discoveries about the Brain
8. Celebrate Your Freedom
9. Dare to Dream
Admission is FREE, and Drinks&Snacks will be provided!
International Adventist Church Stuttgart in Ringstraße 28/1, 70806 Fellbach
S2, S3 to Fellbach Bahnhof. Ringstr. is just across the traffic lights
towards the VW Garage. No 28 is on 2nd street after VW. Meetings on 3rd
floor of white building.
It's simple; just look in google maps: https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%…h=aAQEpUa-M&s=1
Pr. C A Bediako: 07154 179 384 or 0151 4406 5839 or
Br. Jan Schüle: 0711/51889774 or 0160 165 0035
For every kind of question feel free to contact us. We are looking
forward to meet you at this nice event! Everybody is invited. You can
also bring friends and family members.